Getting back to work, part 3

My clients share one common fear when going back to work. What will other colleagues think of them and how will they be treated. They’re afraid cancer will follow them as an indelible mark.

What other colleagues think is not under your control so I wouldn’t spend too much time and energy focusing on it. What matters is what you believe. You get to choose what you want to believe about your past experience. You can make it a story where you are a victim or a hero.

You don’t have any control over what other people think. But you can invite them what to think by telling or showing what you believe about yourself. If you believe you are a hero, you will show up as one and people will likely believe you are a hero. Same thing if you believe you are a victim.

Don’t get caught up speculating on what others may think. Be purposeful on what you think. And make sure it’s a story that empowers for your future endeavors.

With love,


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