Clients who have overcome cancer often struggle with fear that it can secretly come back. Secretly meaning they never know when, where and how it can come back. And they are eager to get rid of that fear as fast as possible.
I help them work on their story around cancer. I help them create an empowering story where they are heroes and not victims. I help them so that they can show up as their best version and create the lives that they want.
This is possible because I first help them make peace with fear. There’s nothing wrong with feeling fear. Fear is a normal human emotion. Never feeling fear would mean they don’t have a normal functioning human brain.
Making peace with fear means allowing it and recognizing where it comes from. It’s feeling fear but without letting fear control them.
Accepting fear is the first step to start imagining and creating the life they want. It’s the first step to finding the courage to live their lives fully.
We are complex and beautiful creatures.
With love,