Cancer and vulnerability.

Yesterday I experienced a real moment of vulnerability. I learned that 2 young people (37 years old both) passed away from cancer. A mixed bag of emotions arose. Fear, sadness, confusion, overwhelm and at the same time feeling lucky.

I was thinking how this illness still takes away lives of young, healthy people. And I got away with it. What were my chances? I never really wanted to know the statistics. But being suddenly confronted with the reality of death, I felt very vulnerable.

Life is so fragile. It’s a miracle. And in the course of that life, we, as human beings, are capable of amazing things. We never know when we are going to die. But we can choose how we are going to live our lives.

Either we avoid feeling vulnerable and put on a heavy armor of emotional toughness where we finish by numbing out our feelings. Or we embrace our vulnerability, and from that place we find the courage to show up and live a life where we feel fully alive.

With love,


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