Your body is pounded when going through cancer treatment. Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, needles, straps, band-aids, neon lights, cold metal, you name it. All your senses are stressed. It’s one thing after the other, and it never seems to come to an end. And inside your body there’s cancer fighting back.
Your brain will go to a place where it only sees what’s wrong with your body. Your brain will have many negative thoughts. And you will find yourself in a state of unacceptance.
You need to manage your mind in those moments. It’s important that you reconnect with your body and see what’s right.
Physical activity is imperative, in whatever form it takes. Walking everyday can show your brain how your body is incredibly resilient. Reconnect with your body through all its senses and see what is so wonderful about it. Get back to a state of acceptance.
Cancer is only one part of your journey. Your body is the journey.
With love,