Author: Laurent Kreutz

Cancer and vulnerability.

Yesterday I experienced a real moment of vulnerability. I learned that 2 young people (37 years old both) passed away from cancer. A mixed bag of emotions arose. Fear, sadness, confusion, overwhelm and at the same time feeling lucky. I was thinking how this illness still takes away lives of young, healthy people. And I […]

Changing diet and managing my emotions.

While going through medical treatment, doctors didn’t recommend changing my dietary habits. It surprised me. No specific recommendation during the treatment but also post-treatment. It was as if it didn’t have anything to do, no correlation whatsoever. I understand that it’s difficult to have clinical studies pinpoint exactly the impact of what you eat on […]

Cancer and relationships.

One strange phenomenon going through cancer is how relationships change. Whether it’s family, friends or colleagues, relationships take on a new dynamic as soon as the news is out there. I had cancer in me for several years before the diagnosis. So, it’s not cancer that changed the dynamic. It changed when others became aware […]

Have cancer? Nothing needs fixing.

Being diagnosed with cancer is a terrifying moment. Our brain jumps into fight/flight mode immediately. Our focus is on the perceived danger. We lose perspective. Our mind races on how to get rid of the problem. And quickly jumps to the question: “What’s wrong with me?”. It’s the perfect moment when we start trying to […]

Pain is real. Suffering is optional.

I hear you coming. How can my cancer be neutral when I’m in so much pain? Going through cancer treatment, we experience pain on a regular basis: chemotherapy; radiation; surgery; blood tests; MRIs; CT or PET scans; needles; tubes; ripping band-aids; distasteful liquids… Our bodies go through a lot. We experience pain almost on a […]

Cancer is neutral.

Now that’s a provocative title. How can I say that cancer is neutral when the very word “cancer” creates so much fear? The answer lies in the question. The word creates the fear, not the condition. How do I know this? My cancer was developing in my body for years and yet I did not […]