Author: Laurent Kreutz

Fear of cancer relapse.

Clients who have overcome cancer often struggle with fear that it can secretly come back. Secretly meaning they never know when, where and how it can come back. And they are eager to get rid of that fear as fast as possible. I help them work on their story around cancer. I help them create […]

Cancer and Love.

There is usually lots of love around cancer patients. Love from family and friends of course. Love from colleagues who are eager to see you back at work. Love from the medical staff who devote their lives to their patients. Love from other patients who are sharing this journey with you and who wish you […]

Cancer and reconnecting with your body.

Your body is pounded when going through cancer treatment. Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, needles, straps, band-aids, neon lights, cold metal, you name it. All your senses are stressed. It’s one thing after the other, and it never seems to come to an end. And inside your body there’s cancer fighting back. Your brain will go to […]

Taking care of the caregiver.

Cancer patients are always the center of all the attention. Everyone wants to make sure they are getting the best therapies. That they are treated with the greatest care. That they have the best physical and emotional support. A key player in this process is the caregiver. A spouse, a loved-one, a family member or […]

Getting back to work, part 3

My clients share one common fear when going back to work. What will other colleagues think of them and how will they be treated. They’re afraid cancer will follow them as an indelible mark. What other colleagues think is not under your control so I wouldn’t spend too much time and energy focusing on it. […]

Getting back to work, part 2

Lots of my clients argue that they weren’t fulfilled or happy in their job before going through cancer. They drag their feet to get back to work and as a result don’t show up as their best version. Or they believe that they should find another job. As I always explain to my clients, it’s […]

Getting back to work, part 1

Coaching my clients, one of the biggest challenges they face is getting back to work. Cancer treatment is a traumatic experience. Those who went through it start questioning a lot of aspects of their life. The first question that people have to deal with is their sense of purpose. After going through a life-threatening situation, […]