Managing my expectations.

I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to have surgery again. And that I was feeling grateful and excited, feelings that I could create by living from my future self.

Having said that, I still had some expectations on how the surgery was going to go and on the outcome of that surgery.

I will give more detail of what happened in my next post. All I can say is that it did not meet my expectations. At all!

Expectations, by the way, of my own creation. I’ve never experienced before a ileostomy closure surgery. But I still had created expectations on how the surgery should go, and how I should feel after the surgery.

In the moment, I felt disappointed. Even sometimes angry.

I could continue to argue on “what should have been”. But it’s a waste of energy and only puts me in a negative place emotionally.

Here lies the secret: the sooner you let go of your expectations, the faster you can get to a place where you embrace reality as it is. And start feeling emotions that are much more useful.

I let go of my expectations on my surgery. I focused my energy on thinking thoughts from my future self. And I know what I’m experiencing now, however painful, will soon be behind me.

With love,


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1 thought on “Managing my expectations.

  1. Pingback: Watching my brain. – Laurent Kreutz

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