You are the result of your small daily habits.

I read James Clear’s book Atomic Habits. I highly recommend it.

He shows how tiny habits practiced every day can have a tremendous impact on your results.

But there’s another learning from the book that I love. Whatever you have in your current life is a lagging indicator of your past habits.

Your wealth is a lagging indicator of your past financial habits. Your weight is a lagging indicator of your eating habits. Your knowledge is a lagging indicator of your learning habits. The quality of your relationships is a lagging indicator of who you were spending time with. Your fitness is a lagging indicator of your exercise habits.

As he summarizes “you get what you repeat”.

I look at myself now. I’ve stopped drinking alcohol. I’ve reviewed my eating protocol. I workout 5 times per week. I’ve reviewed my financial habits. I work every day on my coaching practice. I learn every day. I’m interacting with new people.

I could look at my current results and regret my past habits. There’s no upside to that. I can’t change my past.

Instead, I focus at what I’m doing daily. And I am excited about my future self.

With love,


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